Last April, I read a magazine article about the Honen Matsuri ("Harvest Festival"). A fertility festival that is held every March right outside of Nagoya. I had vowed to myself that I would check it out this year - since my goal while living in Japan has been to have as many new and cultural experiences as possible. And, as the date approached, I realized that basically every other foreigner living in this area was also planning to attend the festival as well. So on the morning of March 15th, I jumped on the train (with just about everyone I've encountered since arriving in Japan) and headed to the festival!
Although the festival is often referred to as the "Penis Festival" due to the amount of penis-shaped items (and there are TONS) - the festival is not actually dedicated to them. "Honen" means prosperous year in Japanese - implying a rich harvest. So, the festival actually celebrates the blessings of a bountiful harvest and prosperity and fertility in all aspects of life. Couples may pray for children, the unmarried may pray for a husband/wife, and farmers may pray for a bountiful harvest. There are a few of these types of festivals around Japan; however, this is one of the main ones.
We arrived at the festival around 10am - just as a bunch of men were having some kind of competition in the middle of the street. I have searched and searched and still cannot determine exactly what was going on. Oh, how I wish my Japanese language skills were stronger! Check out the video below - and allow your imagination to make up some fun stories!
Then, we climbed a hill to Kumano-sha Shrine where many of the wooden phalluses were being displayed before the parade. Interestingly, on even-numbered years, the phalluses are displayed at a different shrine in the city. If walking around and taking in the sites wasn't enough - there were many Japanese people encouraging us to touch, rub, and even kiss the penises. We settled on some quick pictures instead. I had also read that woman wanting to get pregnant are supposed to rub the wooden penis as it is supposed to bring them good luck. This year, I decided to skip that ritual as well!
Since my descriptions just don't do this experience justice - check out the pictures and videos below!
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