I think I was also expecting there to be more signs of the current situation in North Korea...and there really weren't any. Life in Seoul seemed normal...to say the least. One of our tour guides commented on the fact that we were all brave to come to South Korea to visit - given how Korea must look to the rest of the world. And yet, he mentioned that daily life for everyone in South Korea hasn't really changed. The thought and possibility of a potential attack is simply part of their daily life. Little reminders like 'shelter' signs on the subways (which are built much deeper in the ground - so they can also act as bomb shelters) and cabinets housing gas masks interspersed among the vending machines were really the only indications of a potential situation (if you didn't watch the news or weren't aware of current events).
I was also surprised that on many occasions, Korea's dislike of Japan was mentioned. I mean - in most cases it was in the context of talking about past wars and invasions...but at times it felt a bit 'in your face.' For example, when we were riding the train from the airport to our hotel - there was a video playing about an island that Korea and Japan both believe belongs to them. The video made statements about Japan lying, etc. and the directness surprised me a bit. As I write this, I realize that the US news is filled with comments like this about various countries - so it's really not that rare; however, perhaps my time in Japan (where people may have these types of views but not state them openly) has 'reverse jaded' me a bit.
Our trip can be divided into three main parts - exploring the historical sites; exploring the food and city life; and, our tour to the border area of North and South Korea. Definitely three very different types of activities in just three short days; however, I feel like this variety really helped us to 'get a good feel' of Seoul!
Exploring the Historical Sites of Seoul
Most of our day on Friday was spent exploring the Royal Palaces of Seoul. There are four main palaces - Gyeongbokgung Palace, Changgyeonggung Palace, Changdeokgung Palace and the Secret Garden, and Deoksugung Palace. And, one Royal Shrine - Jongmyo Shrine.
Changdeokgung Palace is probably the most popular of the palaces as it is relatively well-persevered and is representative of Korean palace architecture. Additionally, the Secret Garden of Changdeokgung is said to be one of the most attractive places in Korea and the complex was named as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. The Secret Garden reminded me of Meiji Jingu in Tokyo in that as you are walking through the beautiful greenery - you completely forget that a major metropolitan city is bustling outside the walls!
Jongmyo Shrine houses the spirit tablets of the Joseon Dynasty (the last dynasty in Korea) kings and queens and is the venue for ritual ceremonies to them. The two buildings are quite long and narrow - and each room is said to hold a tablet for a specific person or family.
Here's some pictures of the palaces, garden, and shrine. You'll notice that while aspects of the architecture seem to have a Japanese influence, the palaces are much more colorful like they tend to be in China. Korea really does seem to be a mesh of Japanese and Chinese influences.
On our walk from one palace to the next, we wandered through Bukchon Village. Bukchon Village has the largest cluster of privately owned traditional Korean wooden homes (hanok) in Seoul. It was fun to wander through the alleys and feel like we were being transported back into 'the olden days.' I was also impressed by how closely the new houses being built resembled the restored houses.
After a full day of exploring and a full evening of eating, we decided that the best thing to do at 9pm was to hike up a mountain to get a night viewing of Seoul. So, up and up and up Mt. Namsan we went! Mt. Namsan and the N Seoul Tower provided some pretty amazing views of the city at night...and we took the cable car down after hitting the 34,000 steps in a day mark!
A Trip to the JSA (Joint Security Region)
While we were researching our trip to Seoul, I'd read that one of the top recommended things to do was to take a tour of the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) or JSA (Joint Security Area) to learn more about the historical and current conflicts with North Korea. Kaz and I went back and forth about the idea - especially given recent events. However, in the end - our curiosity and desire to develop a better understanding of global issues won out. Plus, we knew we could cancel our tour if we changed our minds.
Before I talk about our experiences, here's a bit more information about the DMZ and JSA. To be honest, I didn't know much about either before we visited. The DMZ is a strip of land running across the Korean Peninsula that serves as a buffer zone between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea). It was created by an agreement between North Korea, China, and the United Nations in 1953 and is 160 miles long and 2.5 miles wide. Housed within the DMZ is the JSA - a meeting point between the two nations housed in a small area near the western end of the zone. The JSA is where negotiations take place between the two countries. Hopefully this helps explain things just a bit.
Our permission slip |
Pic taken from North Korea |
Our tour was also supposed to include a stop at the Bridge of No Return, which is where prisoners of war were given the choice to either remain in the country of their captivity or cross the bridge to return to their homeland (North Korea). However, just days before our tour - it was discovered that North Korea had built landmines in the areas surrounding the bridge (needless to say - the bridge is no longer part of any tour).
While there were obviously many risks associated with this tour, and I was rather nervous in general, I have to say that at no time did I feel unsafe. Sure, a part of that was probably innocence, ignorance, or whatever you want to call it...and, at the same time...everyone understood the seriousness of the situation and was prepared to act if needed. Even to the point that we were required to wear closed-toe shoes in case we had to run. In light of the recent incident in Las Vegas (less than a week after this trip), I've been thinking a lot about the concept of safety. So many people have said to me - 'I can't believe you went to Korea' or 'That was risky.' And, while I clearly see their points...I can't help but wonder...is it better to be in place with safety concerns at hand (and protective measures in place) or a place where something like a shooting can break out at any moment with no warning? Lately, the later seems almost scarier to me.
Since I don't want to end my post on a heavy note, I'll end with a summary of our food and city adventures! :)
Food and City Stuff
In addition to the historical sites, Seoul is also known for food and shopping. And boy, are there a lot of both! Throughout our time in Seoul, we explored more neighborhoods than I can count - each with its own vibe and personality. Myeong-dong is known for its cosmetics and street food; Insa-dong is known for its traditional goods; and, Gangnam is known for its high-end department stores (and the dance!). We also visited Common Ground, which is a pop-up area made out of shipping containers. This was one of my favorite places! While I'm not the biggest shopper in the world, I did enjoy browsing the shops - especially Lotte Mart - a huge grocery store with lots of free samples! I may have stocked up on seaweed, tea, instant coffee, and lots of snacks! :)
When it comes to food, Seoul's got it all - delicious street food, traditional restaurants, hip diners, yummy bakeries, and more coffee shops than I've ever seen in one place in my life. And boy, do I love coffee shops. There must have been one every 50 feet or so...literally! I'm not sure how they all stayed in business. Some of our favorite meals included bibimbap (a rice dish with veggies and meat), dumplings (much larger and stuffed with more goodness than in Japan), and Korean BBQ (where you get to grill yummy meats and vegetables at your table). The food was definitely spicier than I'm used to - so I struggled a bit - but it was definitely hearty and delicious! I also tried banana milk, which is apparently really popular and sold everywhere. It tasted just like someone had soaked a banana laffy taffy in milk - quite artificial at first, yet oddly more and more delicious with each sip! Here's lots of food pics! :)
Despite some initial worries, Seoul was a really neat city to visit. As with most of our travel experiences, I'm impressed by how much we were able to see and do in such a short time! Seoul was definitely a nice 'last international stop' for our time in Japan; however, I'm definitely adding Korea to my list of places to visit again and explore more of in the future!
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