I've been thinking a bit about my blog - and trying to think of an alternative for my Monthly Reviews for Year Two. I really enjoy sharing what we've been up to, as well as reflecting a bit on the sunny and cloudy moments; however, I'm thinking it might be neat to do something different for Year Two. I haven't pinpointed an idea yet, so I'll keep thinking. In the meantime, if any of you have ideas...or types of posts you'd like to see...feel free to leave a comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
And now, here's Month 12 in Review...along with some reflections from the past year...and some guiding words moving forward! Enjoy!
Places Visited and Activities
Kyoto: We took a day-trip with Kaz's parents to Kyoto. The day started out sunny - however, we ran into some unexpected rain. Regardless, we had a lot of fun and even explored two new sites for us - Ninnaji Temple and Ryoanji Temple.
Bali & Australia - see previous blog posts!
Kit Kat Flavors Tasted
-Butter CookieKit Kat Flavors Tasted
-Ginger Big Bites
Reflections of Year One
The thought of summing up this past year feels like an almost impossible feat! Which is actually one of the reasons that I started blogging - so that I could reflect on a much more regular basis!
Instead, here a few lessons that I've learned...and that I'm hoping will help me a bit in Year Two! In no particular order:
*Learning a new language is DIFFICULT! And, phew...there are so many components!
*Struggling is one of the most humbling AND most frustrating experiences of my life!
*Kindness is definitely the universal language!

*Oshibori (hot towels/hand wipes) given to one before a meal to clean her hands are both useful and appreciated!
*Squatty potties are not quite as scary as they initially seem...unless of course, you're on a moving train!
*No matter how hard I try to "fit in" - I can't and won't. So, I might as well just put myself out there and try. What do I have to lose, anyway!?
*Organized chaos does exist - and Japan has perfected the concept!
*Accepting any and all emotions that arise on this journey is waaaaay more challenging than it sounds.
Words for Year Two
A few years ago, my friend Scott introduced me to the idea of picking three to five words that I want to move towards in the coming year. I absolutely loved the idea and have made it something that I do, think about, and meditate on at the beginning of each year...and throughout the year as well. So, after some reflection - here are my words for this year...with a "short and sweet" thought process for each! Or as "short and sweet" as I am capable of being!
Health is something that is very important to me. Not only physical health, but also mental and emotional health as well. So, this year, I hope to continue to focus on running consistently (I even joined a gym last week - for those really cold and really hot days); eating healthy and cutting back on some of Japan's numerous carbs; joining a yoga studio; and, making time for daily meditation.
Japan has definitely shown me that "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is a very, very true statement. Throughout the past year, I've had tons of moments in which homesickness has completely taken over...and has also made me realize just how lucky I am to have such amazing family and friends in my life. This year, like every year, I want to continue to strengthen my relationships with those I care about...even though distance can sometimes make keeping in touch a tad tricky!
Living in Japan has been one of the greatest and also most challenge experiences for Kaz's and my relationship. The highs are higher and the lows are lower. And, since we are so far away from our "support network" - we tend to be each other's only outlet about 99% of the time. Moving into Year Two, I want to listen more and judge less; forgive easier and move slower; and, make sure to tell Kaz more often how much I appreciate him and all he does!
Living in Japan has also lead to me spending more time alone than I am used to (or ever have in the past). This has definitely been challenging for me - as I am (slowly) learning to love the "not so great" things about myself. Moving forward, I hope that I can continue to give myself the same love, understanding, and acceptance that I give my family and friends.
Living in Japan has been one of the greatest and also most challenge experiences for Kaz's and my relationship. The highs are higher and the lows are lower. And, since we are so far away from our "support network" - we tend to be each other's only outlet about 99% of the time. Moving into Year Two, I want to listen more and judge less; forgive easier and move slower; and, make sure to tell Kaz more often how much I appreciate him and all he does!
Living in Japan has also lead to me spending more time alone than I am used to (or ever have in the past). This has definitely been challenging for me - as I am (slowly) learning to love the "not so great" things about myself. Moving forward, I hope that I can continue to give myself the same love, understanding, and acceptance that I give my family and friends.
Patience seems like such a simple word, doesn't it?! And yet...it's not. In many ways, there are aspects of my life now that are much less stressful than back in the US...and many aspects that are much, much more stressful. In the coming year - I want to practice more patience. Patience with myself, patience with Kaz, patience with my daily life, and patience with life in general. Sometimes I have a hard time trusting that things will work out in the end.
Patience seems like such a simple word, doesn't it?! And yet...it's not. In many ways, there are aspects of my life now that are much less stressful than back in the US...and many aspects that are much, much more stressful. In the coming year - I want to practice more patience. Patience with myself, patience with Kaz, patience with my daily life, and patience with life in general. Sometimes I have a hard time trusting that things will work out in the end.
Those of you who know me well - know that change is not one of my strongpoints. Especially the days, weeks, and months leading up to a change. My life over the past year has been full of almost constant change...and the coming year will most likely be full of just as much - if not more. Instead of running from the change - or immediately resorting to a "what am I going to lose/miss" mindset - I am hoping to instead approach change with more openness and flexibility. I also hope to practice more flexibility in the moment when things play out in unexpected ways - which is a daily occurrence!
Those of you who know me well - know that change is not one of my strongpoints. Especially the days, weeks, and months leading up to a change. My life over the past year has been full of almost constant change...and the coming year will most likely be full of just as much - if not more. Instead of running from the change - or immediately resorting to a "what am I going to lose/miss" mindset - I am hoping to instead approach change with more openness and flexibility. I also hope to practice more flexibility in the moment when things play out in unexpected ways - which is a daily occurrence!
I've found that since I'm often in a world that doesn't quite make sense to me...I can easily get caught up in planning and thinking (and worrying) about the future and also ruminating about past events/happenings. These behaviors are definitely not helpful to me (or those around me...poor Kaz). This year - I really want to focus on lessening the amount of time spent reflecting on the past and planning for the future...so that I can more fully enjoy the moment that I'm in!
I've found that since I'm often in a world that doesn't quite make sense to me...I can easily get caught up in planning and thinking (and worrying) about the future and also ruminating about past events/happenings. These behaviors are definitely not helpful to me (or those around me...poor Kaz). This year - I really want to focus on lessening the amount of time spent reflecting on the past and planning for the future...so that I can more fully enjoy the moment that I'm in!
Sunniest Moment
There are SO many to choose from - but, I think I might have to pick...summiting Mt. Fuji!
Cloudiest Moment
Being my own worst enemy...and struggling with self-judgements, unrealistic expectations, and unhelpful patterns of thinking!
Wishing you all a 2017 filled with health, happiness, love...and of course way more sunny moments than cloudy ones!